Video analytics for business and retail

Increasing competition and burgeoning e-commerce make it especially important for retail store owners to research their target audience, so that customers will be truly satisfied with the range of products and services they offer. When the competition is fierce, a mistake can cost you — lines of people waiting or a rude cashier can send a customer to your competitors or make them order online instead.

To help business owners and marketing experts automate those tasks, Insentry has built-in video analytics. It helps you analyze video streams from cameras installed on sales floors, automatically assess visitor flows, staff efficiency, customer demographics (gender, age, emotions), and track lines as they form.
Gender, age, emotions
Reports of visitor demographics help you target ads to people of a specific gender and age.

Based on what mood your customers are in when they leave after their transaction, you can assess the efficacy of your staff and take the necessary measures.
The detector will notify you when queues form, to help you open new cash registers in time or make sure staff are working diligently.
People counting
A report on visitor numbers helps you calculate internal and external conversion and estimate traffic at sales points.

You can identify peak attendance and use that information to plan staff work schedules.
Heat map
Helps to evaluate the most popular zones in the sales area and the effectiveness of product layout on shelves.
Video analytics is configured for each camera separately.
Editions and prices
  • The first 16 cameras are free
  • One server
  • Archive recording from cameras
  • All video analytics and reports
  • Regular updates
  • All Professional Edition features
  • No limit on number of servers
  • Clustering and fault tolerance
  • Configurable incident handling scenarios
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You can find detailed instructions on the initial setup and working with detectors in our knowledge base
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